Saturday, June 14, 2014

Guards Kill Inmate By Scalding Him In Shower

Prison Guards Who Scalded Inmate to Death Avoid Punishment
 Kulture Kritic says:
 May 24, 2014 at 10:57 am
 READ MORE via Prison Guards Who Scalded Inmate to Death Avoid Punishment |
Brutality: Officers Avoid Charges After Scalding Mentally Ill Black Inmate To Death With Hot Water Until His Skin Peeled | Prestige Cable News says:
 May 28, 2014 at 8:33 am
   “I can’t take it no more, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,’’ Rainey shouted, the inmate said.
 Saddest of all, Rainey was only a month away from the end of his sentence when guards turned the hot water to the highest setting and boiled him to death in the shower.
Rainey’s autopsy, causing investigators to call off the inquiry.
 “Two years is a very long time to wait to find out why your brother was found dead in a shower,” Rainey’s brother, Andre Chapman, told the Herald.
 Psychiatrist George Mallinckrodt has worked for Dade prison’s ward for the mentally ill and filed a complaint with the Department of Justice accusing correction officials of abusing mentally ill inmates.
 Investigators have decided that there is not enough evidence to reach any determination as to the cause of Rainey’s death. The inmate who heard Rainey screaming was never interviewed by state investigators.